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Area of application at  doctors' practices & clinics

Let your patients immerse themselves in nature in the waiting room and forget about the real world around them.
Our nature panoramas look like a view of a panoramic window front. Unlike TV formats, our films are shot from ONE perspective, just like the view out the window. The patient observes the passing of the clouds, the sea surf, the movement of the treetops, and animals that are part of the scene. Therefore, the playback on large displays is not annoying or intrusive like TV content, but has a calming and decelerating effect on the viewer. The visual impression is supported by soft original sounds, which the patient subconsciously perceives and which reinforce the authenticity of the impression.  The classic waiting room atmosphere is broken. Nervousness, stress and fear are reduced or not built up at all.

In addition to the reproduction of nature panoramas, you can show your own content, for example for product advertising. The core of the system is professional digital signage hardware. The system is fed and updated via a cloud. The system has been in use 24 hours a day at numerous customers for more than 5 years and there have not been any failures to complain about.

Digital signage is eligible for funding in many federal states as a digitization measure. Ask your tax advisor.

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